
The BHH Rabbonim often hold educational & ‘Ask the Rabbi’ sessions aimed at all levels of knowledge.

There is a Shiur on a Monday night given by Rabbi Sufrin on the lessons derived from the Mitzvot in the Torah as explained in “The Book of [Mitzvot] Education” – Sefer HaChinuch.

On a Tuesday, there is a fifteen minute pre-Shacharit service Shiur.

On Friday evenings in the winter, before Ma’ariv, the Rabbonim present a discourse on the Torah portion of the week.

The senior Rabbi usually gives a half hour Shiur immediately before the Shabbat morning service.

The Rabbi or sometimes a guest will deliver a D’var Torah between Mincha & Ma’ariv on a Shabbat.

Rabbi Kleiman now provides tailor-made learning programmes for members in their own homes on subjects of their choosing. Please contact him if you are interested in a personalised learning scheme.

The Rabbonim also participate in pre-Yom Tov learning programmes together with the Clergy of the Etz Chaim & UHC Synagogues that take place in the different Synagogues on a rotational basis.
The pre-Pesach programme takes place at BHH.

Contact the office, read the notice board in the Synagogue Lobby or check out the weekly announcements on the back page of the Jewish Telegraph for details.

There are also a variety of classes within Leeds outside the synagogue, including the Florence Melton mini-school, regular Shiurim given by Manchester Rabbonim and various discussion groups. 


Brodetsky Primary School & Deborah Taylor Playgroup
The school provides a secular and Jewish education for children aged 2 – 11 years. The nursery and playgroup ensure a happy and constructive start to school life. In the main school the continuation of this education gives them the opportunity to learn and grow both academically, with excellent SATS results, and socially within a warm Jewish environment.
The school is supported by the SCOPUS Jewish Education Trust and through the Hebrew and Jewish Studies department, ensures that the children and their families are enriched and inspired through the religion. Fund-raising continues to be a priority, and the school is supported by a very hard working Parents-Teachers-Association Brodetsky Link, which raises funds for visits, outings, prizes, lucky bags for the Yomim Tovim and much more.
All prospective parents are welcome to telephone the school and arrange with the head teacher to visit.

                 Tel:  0113 293 0578 (School)

                 Tel:  0113 293 0579 (Nursery)

                 Tel:  0113 293 3176 (Governors)

Leeds Jewish Education Authority:
(Talmud Torah): 
 To provide a broad based Orthodox Jewish Education for all the community irrespective of means, including daily Talmud Torah classes for children from four years old to Bar/Bat Mitzvah and beyond: Religious Studies tuition to GCSE standard: Jewish Assemblies and Jewish Studies in secular schools and programmes of education for adults.

Jewish Assemblies are taken at the following schools:

Rossett, Allerton High & The Leeds Grammar School – junior & senior.

                 Tel:  0113 217 2533

Menorah Primary School:

                 Tel:  0113 269 7709

There are several experienced teachers in Leeds.
Contact the Rabbonim for further information.
