Rest of the team

Office Staff:
Executive Officer: Deborah Selwyn
Administrative Assistant: Jocille Goldstone
Accounts: Lydia Gilmore
Resident on site: Doug & Viv Wilson
Honorary Officers forming the Executive (all are volunteers):
The President: Jonathan Straight
Vice President: Management: Allan Taylor
Vice President: buildings : Michael Eaton
Social Ivan Green
The Treasurer: Alvin Jacobs
Hon. Secretary: Marnie Sumroy
Religious Services: Voluntary positions
Wardens:                                                     Noel Sumroy
                                                                      Saul Niman
Honorary Life Presidents: Geoff Eastman
Michael Eaton
Rosalind Peters
Melvyn Winburn
Honorary Life Wardens: Stanley Surr
Gerald Tammer

Synagogue Council:

The Council is comprised of 18 elected members (in addition to the serving Honorary Officers and all past Presidents), all of whom participate in numerous subcommittees.

Several Council members represent the Synagogue as delegates at meetings of other Communal organizations.

School Visits:
The BHH is a popular venue for organized visits by children from schools throughout Yorkshire, furthering their inter-faith education.
