Rest of the team

Office Staff:
Executive Officer: Deborah Selwyn
Administrative Assistant: Jocille Goldstone
Accounts: Lydia Gilmore
Resident on site: Doug & Viv Wilson
Honorary Officers forming the Executive (all are volunteers):
The President: Jonathan Straight
Vice President: Management: Alan Taylor
Vice President: building : Michael Eaton
Social Ivan Green
The Treasurer: Alvyn Jacobs
Hon. Secretary: Marnie Sumroy
Religious Services: Voluntary positions
Wardens:                                         Noel Sumroy
                                                          Saul Niman
Honorary Life President: Geoff Eastman, Melvyn Winburn, Michael Eaton & Rosalind Peters
Honorary Life Wardens: Stanley Surr & Gerald Tammer

Synagogue Council:

The Council comprises (in addition to the serving Honorary Officers & all past Presidents), 18 elected members, all of whom participate in numerous sub committees.
Several Council members represent the Synagogue as delegates, at meetings of other Communal organizations.

School Visits:
The BHH is a popular venue for organized visits by children from schools throughout Yorkshire, furthering their inter-faith education.
